When the bee Barry B. Benson graduates from college, he finds that he will have only one job for his entire life, and absolutely disappointed, he joins the team responsible for bringing the honey and pollination of the flowers to visit the world outside the hive. Once in Manhattan, he is saved by the florist Vanessa and he breaks the bee law to thank Vanessa. They become friends and Barry discovers that humans exploit bees to sell the honey they produce. Barry decides to sue the human race, with destructive consequences to nature. Written by Claudio Carvalho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Does good necessarily follow good intentions? Barry B. Benson, a bee who's just finished his education and hates the idea of picking a life-long vocation, meets a human, florist Vanessa Bloom, while buzzing about Manhattan. She takes him to a supermarket where Barry discovers shelves and shelves of honey. Realizing it has been taken from bees - who work tirelessly and exhaust themselves for their two cups a year - he follows the delivery truck back to the honey farm, gathers evidence, and files suit against humanity. But what if Barry wins and the honey is returned to the bees, who can then slack off? An ecological cataclysm? Written by
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